Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hey Guys! WE NEED PHOTOS! And I was wondering if we should put up links of our individual blogs?

Okay, uhm, my university life. For lit. we do a theory/book a week, plus readings about the books/poems. We're doing King Lear in two weeks! It's easy to do the readings if you like the stuff, but quite a pain if it's in Old English.

But I like the fact that it's more about thinking on the spot & discussing and not so much about memorising details (like with med.) because I'm very very bad with details! Too lazy. Unfortunately certain literary theorists (aka people with too much time) have come up with theories that focus on close reading, which is something similar to dissecting every line and punctuation mark, again very painful. Deconstruction theorists (also too free) will do aforementioned close reading, then deduct about what was not said.

To give you an idea, I just received my first essay assignment today; we have to apply one theory of our choice on a single word from Heart Of Darkness and talk about how that word affects the novel. One word!! Essays at university are called 'research papers' where we have to research our topic from books etc. etc. with footnotes and everything. Get one small point of a footnote wrong (and they're quite anal about this, there's this international organization made up of people with, again, too much time who regulate the punctuation, I kid you not) and it's called 'plagiarism', which is an automatic fail!

So yes, life of a lit. major ;)

BTW Debo, how do you apply to Trinity College Dublin?


webo said...

omgg..LIZ! lit is definitely way OVER my head.. oh btw..i just realised that LIT looks a lot like LIZ. ok. pls dont kill me. HAHA..just a joke.. pursue ur real dream..hurr..

i applied through the irishmed consortium. i have quite a few irish prospectus with me..tcd, ucd etc so if u want i can pass them to u..

as for links..sure..u can set them up if u want (think everyone's an admin member alr)..haha..i'm too lazy.. :P

mairearad said...

Haha I have no idea how to! I'll do it once I figure out the html ;)

Oh yikes I have no idea how to apply to TCD. Yargh! I requested a prospectus but I think it's taking a while to arrive haha.

Actually, I don't really like lit that much! It's like trying to rationalise something that is irrational. I'm planning to study history and philosophy :)

webo said...

haha..cheemalogy..i'll go find the prospectus i have..will pass to u at the next meet up! :P